Web Design

A little about me…


It’s looks like you've stumbled onto my personal web page / blog posts where I post all kinds of random content and personal life updates I enjoy sharing with my Internet friends.

My two main hobbies/interests in life are the internet and catering. These two subjects also happen to be my main sources of income. I seem to have a habit of turning my personal hobbies into business, which is great because I get to make a living doing the things I love. 

I enjoy making videos of life so please check out “My Video” page

I also live life to the fullest and enjoy cooking up a storm so if you like new recipes please join me on life’s adventures subscribe

In Tasmania I had a few businesses on the go at one time, I owned a curry shop, a courier van, an online spice business that I also sold at markets, web page development and catering for large events.

So I know how to keep busy ....